An exception has occurred while using the formatter 'JsonMediaTypeFormatter' to generate sample for media type 'application/json'. Exception message: Self referencing loop detected with type 'Mastersoft.BigDipper.Entities.Category'. Path 'Categories[0].SubCategories'.
An exception has occurred while using the formatter 'JsonMediaTypeFormatter' to generate sample for media type 'text/json'. Exception message: Self referencing loop detected with type 'Mastersoft.BigDipper.Entities.Category'. Path 'Categories[0].SubCategories'.
An exception has occurred while using the formatter 'XmlMediaTypeFormatter' to generate sample for media type 'application/xml'. Exception message: El gráfico de objetos del tipo 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Mastersoft.BigDipper.Entities.Category, Mastersoft.BigDipper.Entities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' contiene ciclos y no se puede serializar si el seguimiento de referencias está deshabilitado.
An exception has occurred while using the formatter 'XmlMediaTypeFormatter' to generate sample for media type 'text/xml'. Exception message: El gráfico de objetos del tipo 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Mastersoft.BigDipper.Entities.Category, Mastersoft.BigDipper.Entities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' contiene ciclos y no se puede serializar si el seguimiento de referencias está deshabilitado.